1) Promoting information campaigns explaining that “cleaning” has no smell and that “scented” isn't a sign of health and hygiene. In order to prevent the bad effects on health of fragrant substance, both indoor and outdoor, we have to inform through TV, dépliants, posters, brochures to give out in schools, work places, medical and social facilities.
2) Formulating a legislative measure compelling industries to produce also fragrance-free products. To designate a control organization in order to grant the certification for the articles respecting new standards as happened in USA where EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) grants the certification (label) fragrance free.
3) Allocating funds for a public research, independent from perfume industries with the aim of evaluating the allergic reactions caused by the contact with perfumed substances and the real risk of these for human health. To investigate breathing, ocular, neurological, systemic effects and also on sensory mechanisms and therefore establish environmental studies with the aim of valuing the persistence of these perfumed substances in streams, their biodegradability and their accumulation in wild life, in the air and in the ground.
4) Proposing an amendment “concerning the intensity of the aromatic notes and the persistence of the odorous volatile substances” in the regulations of the industrial perfume and cosmetic products formulation “so that the instructions given by the International Fragrance Association can be followed”. The International Fragrance Association advises that "scented products only be used in an amount undetectable at an arm's length distance".
Sondaggio sulla sofferenza delle persone sensibili alle fragranze presentato dall'Associazione MCS Selbsthilfegruppe Rosenheim in collaborazione con la Prof. ssa Ursula Klaschka, Università di Scienze Applicate di Ulm (THU), Germania.
Partecipate, il questionario è formulato in 5 lingue e avrà la durata di 6 mesi
a cura del Gruppo Fragrance Free Zone
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